Thursday, November 15, 2012

Too much.

I thought I'd go swim yesterday after being given the enthusiastic green light by my doctor, but the day slipped away (by that I mean I slept too much) and then it was kind of late for the pool. So I decided instead to drive 5 miles to the shopping center. I haven't left the house much in the last month, and it was fucking exciting to go into the Target. One thing led to another, and pretty soon I'd gone to several stores and eaten at Panera. I realized once I got a slamming headache that my "quick test run" had lasted three hours.

I went home right away, and even after taking meds, my head was still killing me. I reached up and touched my incision, and right above it, I felt it was all puffy and swollen. And also a bit squishy and bumpy, as if there was fluid mixed with bits'n'pieces of I-don't-know-what, collecting above my incision line.

All this is to say, I clearly over-did it, and now I'm all swollen in a weird spot, and my head hurts again. So, I'm not gonna get in the pool yet for awhile, cause it's pretty much germ city in pools, and I don't know what the fuck is going on with my head. It could just be swollen or it could be a small CSF leak collecting in the soft tissue. I'm gonna spend a few days taking it easy and if it doesn't go away, I'll call my doctor.

Smaller steps, I guess. At least I got some new eye shadow and a nice bowl of overpriced soup.

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