Sunday, October 28, 2012

A girl so quick, she's even fast...asleep.

I can't stop sleeping. I'm so tired. I've been averaging about 12-14 hours a night since surgery, plus a nap or two. So maybe 17 out of every 24 hours, I'm asleep.


Those who wake me up before I'm ready are greeted by a really cheerful Katie.

This recovery is hard work. Yesterday we had a birthday party here for Levi. It was so much fun, though I was exhausted after...just from the work of watching the party! My mom did a fabulous job throwing it for him, since she knew I was in no shape to do it. I'll post some pictures tomorrow. Ya'll aren't gonna believe how great this shindig was. I'd post the pictures now, but uh...I'm kind of falling asleep at the keyboard. Need. More. Sleeping.

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